
My name is Cristián, and I am currently working at The Qt Company as a Senior R&D Manager in the Qt Foundations area, in charge of the Qt Core (Berlin) team, and the Qt for Python project. Additionally, I'm one of the main developers on the Qt for Python project, focusing my work mainly on PySide.

I spent most of my spare time in Open Source initiatives, mainly focused in Python. Besides being the co-organizer of Python Chile, I am also associated to Python España, and with many people we started an initiative called Python en Español, which aims to be a central place for the whole Spanish Speaking Python community.

I got my Doctorate in Astrophysics at the Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik (Albert-Einstein-Institute), working on the numerical modeling of Black Holes binaries, and Globular clusters. To achieve this, I performed astrophysical N-body and SPH simulations, using High Performance Computing resources and tools, mainly GPU computing.

In the past I got my Engineer and Master degree in Informatics (Computer Science) at the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María in Chile, from which I got the motivation of working with applied HPC simulations.

Check the community work that I'm currently involved with, and also most of the research work during my Academia period.